2022.06.18(sat) at 西荻窪KICK-ASS
Open / Start 19:00
No Charge
DJ : baroshun / ミゴン (I AM ELECTRO) / kihito / 岡本 / トモロ / 酒井敬二郎 and more…
Guest DJ : 佐久間達也 (ex.P-MODEL)
2022.06.18(sat) at 西荻窪KICK-ASS
Open / Start 19:00
No Charge
DJ : baroshun / ミゴン (I AM ELECTRO) / kihito / 岡本 / トモロ / 酒井敬二郎 and more…
Guest DJ : 佐久間達也 (ex.P-MODEL)
[DJ Setlist]
01.Graveyard Symphony by WWF (Undertaker Theme)
02.A Day by Clan of Xymox
03.Woman’s Own by The Danse Society
04.Bad Gin by James Rays Gangwar
05.Walk Away by The Sisters of Mercy
06.Twisted by Children on Stun
07.Feel a Piece by Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
08.For Her Light by Fields of the Nephilim
09.Children of the Dark by Mono Inc.
10.Away by The Bolshoi